The Case for the Single-Sheet Sponsorship Plan
The Case for the Single-Sheet Sponsorship Plan
I think “brief” is one of the keywords of our time, with the exception of a sponsorship plan and a few airlines, but that's a rant for another time!
From 1-minute news briefings, to 140-character tweets, or even dating with a swipe motion, the whole world is making a pretty big effort to grab every tiny speck of everyone’s attention.
With the world around us moving to “brief” and “direct”, why are sponsorship seekers not following suit? Why are these still people sending 22 page sponsorship proposals?
With increasing competition and hundreds of sponsorship proposals piling up in a decision maker’s inbox, anyone ready to get sponsored and money should look for ways to make their sponsorship proposals clear and concise.
A common mistake in submitting sponsorship proposals is that they dabble in a little too much storytelling which clutters the pitch so much it makes it hard to understand what the sponsorship property is about, and what is being asked of the potential sponsor.
I believe every single word written or spoken in a sponsorship proposal or meeting has to be well thought out. Like a key witness on a stand, your choice of words can change the course of events. The right phrase or the right question can lead to a “yes”!
Ever tuned in to “How to Get Away with Murder”?
Annalise Keating is an absolute boss at prepping every witness for testimony. She drills it down to every word, innuendo and gesture. Heck, she even tells them what they should be feeling.
I get it, you may not be trying to skip a jail sentence like most of her clients, but landing a great sponsorship does have the ability to change your life, and your business or non-profit.
One of the biggest factors to win? The case you make for your sponsorship property. Presentation is key.
There are seven key questions that need to be answered in a sponsorship proposal and, done correctly and fact based, can be finalized in a single-sheet fashion called an executive summary:
The Questions? Who, what, when, where, why, how and how much.
There. That’s it. Ready for a crazy-busy, not-quite-ready-to-focus-on-you decision maker.
How to accomplish this? I say get inspired by Annalise’s drill mode and go over your proposal, asking at every sentence: what’s my point? What am I trying to say?
Could I say it more clearly? In fewer, better words?
Keep your sponsorship relationships nurtured with clarity and focus. Let your sponsors, or potential sponsors, know every minute invested in you is worth their while.
If you’re dreaming of an open-and-shut case sponsorship plan, I’d love to help! Need a bit more reading? Check out “How to Ask for a Sponsorship with Confidence.”
Ready to get started in sponsorship and schedule an appointment with Roberto? Here’s how:
1. Have a quick question? Need to pick Roberto’s brain? Click here to schedule calls of less than 30 minutes. (The fastest way to get on Roberto’s schedule)
2. To schedule hourly consultations, please schedule online at – The meeting scheduler will display an up-to-date calendar and let you pick a time.