Sponsorship Training - 3 Key Questions to Building Sustainable Sponsorship

Sponsorship Training – 3 Questions to Building Sustainable Sponsorship

I love sponsorship training! Seriously… when I get on the phone with a client, I’m always excited to help them figure out how to get sponsored, from the basics to the dirty details of the actual launch.

However, often my work isn’t logistical. A question I encounter often is: “How do I know what I am doing is working? Was the sponsorship successful?”

As entrepreneurs and non-profits, we’re working our tails off to create a business (yes, your non-profit is a business!) that makes a difference in the world… and also an income for us. Its success, no matter how small, is what keeps us pouring our time and energy into it. If you’re anything like me, you want to build on the momentum of sponsorship and grow sponsorships as a way to fund and build your dream.


Sponsorship Training – 3  Key Questions to Building Sustainable Sponsorship

Part of business is that we not only want something that’s only sustainable, but we want predictable results. Here are 3 questions to ask yourself when building a sponsorship program

1. Did my event or sponsorship property meet attendance goals?

Sponsorship Attendence Goals - When holding events, one of our first goals is to get people in the doors and butts in your seats! Why? Well… if we don’t have people, we can’t get sponsors the exposure and value we promised!

When holding events, one of our first goals is to get people in the doors and butts in your seats! Why? Well… if we don’t have people, we can’t get sponsors the exposure and value we promised!

Assessing your attendance allows you to take a look at what resources you’ve used to get as far as you have. What worked? What could we do better next time? Your organization isn’t just a money-making machine; it’s meant to make a difference on every life you touch.

Sponsors want to see the real passion. It’s a lot easier to invest in someone who’s walking their talk. Sincerity goes a long way!

2. Were all of the promises we made our sponsors kept?

Sponsorship Training Sponsorship Promises - As you know, getting sponsored is not always an easy task – especially when you’re starting out. You’re essentially selling them an opportunity – so if you’ve obtained a sponsorship, you want to do everything in your power to show your sponsors it was a great investment.

As you know, getting sponsored is not always an easy task – especially when you’re starting out. You’re essentially selling them an opportunity – so if you’ve obtained a sponsorship, you want to do everything in your power to show your sponsors it was a great investment.

Evaluating to make sure you kept up your end of the deal will help you show off your reliability & how seriously you take the sponsorship relationship, making sponsors more likely to invest in your mission again! Remember, Relationships Raise Money

3. Did you reach your sponsorship goals?

Sponsorship Training - Goals - Going into your events, or any sponsored property, with goals and clear expectations helps set the bar for a solid event. Once this event ends – assess your sponsorship efforts and the result you got. Are you happy with them? What did you do that was amazing? What could be fine-tuned next time?

Going into your events, or any sponsored property, with goals and clear expectations helps set the bar for a solid event. Once this event ends – assess your sponsorship efforts and the result you got. Are you happy with them? What did you do that was amazing? What could be fine-tuned next time?

Resetting goals based on this assessment helps you make more solid pitches to future sponsors that show both experience and drive for making your sponsorship programs and relationships a success – making it more likely for sponsors to invest in you and your mission.

HINT: sponsors love to hear that you’re taking your business (and their money!) seriously – nothing is better than improving!

Your dream is worth it. YOU are worth it.

Personal, financial and numerical reflection will get you a long way – just don’t stop doing the work it takes to get there.

I’ll help you through the rest.

Ready to get started in sponsorship and schedule an appointment with Roberto? Here’s how:

  1. Have a quick question? Need to pick Roberto’s brain? Click here to schedule calls of less than 30 minutes. (The fastest way to get on Roberto’s schedule)
  2. To schedule hourly consultations, please schedule online athttp://www.ChatWithRoberto.com – The meeting scheduler will display an up-to-date calendar and let you pick a time.


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