The Half Marathon Mindset: Powering Through Business Challenges

Join Roberto Candelaria as he shares insights from his recent experience running the Walt Disney Half Marathon in Anaheim, CA. Roberto discusses how the challenges he faced during the race mirror obstacles in business and life, offering valuable lessons on perseverance, adaptability, and maintaining a positive mindset.

In This Episode, Roberto covers:

  • His experience running the Walt Disney Half Marathon in extreme heat
  • The importance of shifting your mindset when faced with challenges
  • How to set a “personal record for fun” instead of focusing solely on performance
  • Parallels between running a half marathon and navigating business challenges
  • The value of perseverance and adaptability in both personal and professional pursuits
  • Insights from his recent “Profitable Pop-up Workshops” class
  • The role of collaboration and support in achieving goals, especially in affiliate marketing

Tune in for an inspiring episode that will motivate you to persevere through challenges and find new ways to achieve your goals in both business and life!



00:00:22 Roberto Candelaria: Well, hey, y’all, welcome back to the show. I’m recording this episode in Anaheim, CA. As you may have heard last week, we are traveling a bit the next couple months while we figure out where we want to live, what’s next? And so right now we are in Anaheim, CA Warren had.

00:00:42 Roberto Candelaria: Reefa palooza this past weekend we have some clients here this coming weekend from our business mastermind and this past weekend, just a couple of days ago, I did the Walt Disneyland.

00:00:56 Roberto Candelaria: And Halloween Half Marathon and listen y’all, I forgot. Ohh my gosh, I I forgot that so much comes along with running 1/2 marathon in the heat and just kind of the things that happened in the humanist.

00:01:17 Roberto Candelaria: Realm.

00:01:18 Roberto Candelaria: So I had to tell you like it was.

00:01:20 Roberto Candelaria: Hot like I would venture and saying probably the hottest half marathon that I’ve ever been a part of and ever run.

00:01:29 Roberto Candelaria: And I think it was Wednesday of last week. They sent out the e-mail letting us know about the heat advisory, letting us know that, you know, there was just kind of this freak heat wave going through.

00:01:42 Roberto Candelaria: Yeah.

00:01:43 Roberto Candelaria: And I just immediately remember thinking like, Oh my gosh, like, how am I going to finish this race? Oh, my gosh, it is going to be so hot. What is going on here? And I had a little bit of a pity party for myself about.

00:02:01 Roberto Candelaria: Am I?

00:02:02 Roberto Candelaria: Be able to finish. You know I’m supposed to be able to be here to get this coast to coast metal, which means you know you did a certain type of race with one run, Disney.

00:02:14 Roberto Candelaria: At each coast, I forget whether it’s at 10K or 10 mile or or more. So I did a on in back in April, I did a 10K in 10 Miller in at Walt Disney World and was doing the half marathon this weekend, so it made me eligible for this other metal called The Coast to Coast Challenge Metal, which I really wanted.

00:02:33 Roberto Candelaria: And I just remember.

00:02:33 Roberto Candelaria: Feeling this little pity party like I’m not going to finish. I came all the way out here. I trained for this half marathon. It’s not going to work. And I just remember, like, after allowing myself that pity party and I was talking with my friend Judith.

00:02:48 Roberto Candelaria: Time she met me out here. I’m sure she lives in California. But, you know, we had lunch slash dinner, I guess, was like, 4:00. So I don’t know what you call that lunch or dinner on Friday, and I was just telling her she’s like, you got this friend you got this, and it was, you know, through that conversation. And I was like, you know what?

00:03:09 Roberto Candelaria: This is not going to be a personal record in terms of pace. I just want to finish right and then it allowed me to have this mental shift. You know what? What if I just set a personal record?

00:03:25 Roberto Candelaria: For fun.

00:03:26 Roberto Candelaria: Yes, I said that. Set a personal record for fun because I think you know, sometimes when we’re going through business or half marathon full marathon, anything that you’re going through in life, right? We are just like how how do I get through this? I just got to get to the end. I got to get the goal. I want to get to the finish line and we sometimes forget to have fun along the way. So like, you know.

00:03:47 Roberto Candelaria: But I am just gonna have fun along the way. And so my personal record is to be the most fun that I’ve ever had in a race. And you.

00:03:57 Roberto Candelaria: Know.

00:03:57 Roberto Candelaria: What y’all? I finished the race and I had the most fun I’ve ever had. I stopped. I was taking pictures. I was recording the bands and the DJ’s along the way recording.

00:04:07 Roberto Candelaria: You know, Buzz Lightyear dancing with some people and the the monkeys from The Lion King show that, you know, if you’ve ever been to Disneyland or Disney World, the festival, The Lion King Show. So they got, they had the monkeys out, they were dancing. And I just.

00:04:23 Roberto Candelaria: Had so much.

00:04:25 Roberto Candelaria: Fun as I got to finish this rate race and.

00:04:31 Roberto Candelaria: I tell you, crossing the finish line, it was my slowest time ever. Y’all. I have never had a slower half marathon. It was brutal. It was about 92° when I finished.

00:04:41 Roberto Candelaria: But I just had so much pride and so much joy that I finished the finish line and I got to earn those.

00:04:50 Roberto Candelaria: Else.

00:04:51 Roberto Candelaria: And I’m sharing this today because I think in both business and in life that both of these are very much like 1/2 marathon. You know that there’s times when we feel like giving up, there’s times when we want to stop. There’s times when when things get hard and when there’s failure, we’re just like, yeah, you know what? It’s not going to happen.

00:05:12 Roberto Candelaria: Right now, friend, like it’s just not going to happen, but that we get to make the decision.

00:05:18 Roberto Candelaria: To keep going.

00:05:19 Roberto Candelaria: And that making that decision to keep going when things are hard to keep pushing through the obstacles, even though those obstacles sometimes seem bigger than the goal, the ability to stop, to reassess, to readjust, to pivot, to reach.

00:05:39 Roberto Candelaria: A goal.

00:05:41 Roberto Candelaria: And I would even say the end goal, because sometimes the smaller goals that we have are part of a bigger goal that when we can say how do I get to this bigger goal that when we are able to shift and make those decisions in the middle of a launch, the middle of a project, then we are able to then still.

00:06:01 Roberto Candelaria: Finish.

00:06:02 Roberto Candelaria: And I think that that’s so important for you and for me, for all of us and our businesses, because when it comes to business, right also last week taught a workshop called profitable pop-up workshops, right, that whether you’re doing workshops or one-on-one coaching or groups or or digital offers, right?

00:06:23 Roberto Candelaria: That.

00:06:24 Roberto Candelaria: When we have one strategy in our business that either a isn’t converting the way that we want to anymore or is not converting at all that we get to look at, OK, what are the other strategies to market? What are the other offers that we can sell? What are the ways that we can still?

00:06:44 Roberto Candelaria: Cross the finish line.

00:06:47 Roberto Candelaria: And I I’m using that example of profitable pop up workshops because last week when I taught the class last Thursday, it was so much fun to be able to watch people who have.

00:06:57 : Yeah.

00:06:58 Roberto Candelaria: Had a what I’ll call a challenge in their business being like I’m just creating free content and people aren’t showing up or I haven’t built my e-mail list or whatever thing they’re going through in their business and be able to say ohh.

00:07:14 Roberto Candelaria: I can do a paid workshop. I can be paid for the value and the knowledge I bring to the world.

00:07:21 Roberto Candelaria: And watch them walk through and decide their workshop topic. Watch some of them even be able to outline their first action point during the actual workshop that was so cool to see people say.

00:07:33 Roberto Candelaria: You know what?

00:07:34 Roberto Candelaria: Even though I’ve faced a challenge, even though my business is not going exactly like I want, I’m still going to find.

00:07:42 Roberto Candelaria: Away.

00:07:42 Roberto Candelaria: Forward and for those of you, I think that this also applies if you’re running an affiliate program. This goes to our affiliate programs, right? Like our relationships with our Affiliates are the exact same.

00:07:54 Roberto Candelaria: Whether it’s the half marathon, whether it’s launching like the key in this is perseverance. The key in this is collaboration because the affiliates like they’re there are teammates y’all.

00:08:05 Roberto Candelaria: They help push us forward to goals. If we’re missing a launch date or not, you know, not enough leads, we can rally our Affiliates and they cheer us on their cheer, their communities on right, and then we all cross this finish line together. Meaning right, we get to finish the launch with the leads and the sales that we want the Affiliates.

00:08:27 Roberto Candelaria: Get to cross the finish line by.

00:08:31 Roberto Candelaria: Making the amount of affiliate sales that they had a goal for so that they can earn those commissions and then the clients that they referred to us the clients from our own communities, they get to finish the cross the finish line because of the way that we get to help them get a result in their business in their life you know.

00:08:50 Roberto Candelaria: Depending on what type of work that it is that you do.

00:08:55 Roberto Candelaria: And so I want to encourage you today to.

00:08:59 Roberto Candelaria: Keep going.

00:09:02 Roberto Candelaria: To allow yourself to develop a strong relationship with yourself and your ability to make mental shifts, whether it’s doubting a launch, doubting a new strategy, whether it’s even your ability to finish something that when you find yourself saying this is too hard.

00:09:23 Roberto Candelaria: I’m ready to give up that you allow yourself to feel that for a moment and then come back to this place of OK.

00:09:30 : Why?

00:09:31 Roberto Candelaria: I can finish and how am I going to get there? How am I going to finish? And so I want to invite you to this.

00:09:41 Roberto Candelaria: Where do you?

00:09:44 Roberto Candelaria: Maybe want to make a shift in your.

00:09:47 Roberto Candelaria: Business.

00:09:48 Roberto Candelaria: Or your life. And I’m saying maybe because, like, you really don’t have to. Right. So is it the relationships with your clients? Is it relationships with your affiliates? Is it the relationship with you the way that you’re launching products or maybe even your offers or maybe is it the way that?

00:10:05 Roberto Candelaria: You talk to yourself.

00:10:07 Roberto Candelaria: And you allow yourself to just be like, man. No, you know what? It’s hard. We’re going to stop. I want to invite you to keep going and to ask yourself, how can I cross my finish line, whatever that is, for you, your launch, your product, something in a relationship for.

00:10:26 Roberto Candelaria: You. How do I reach that goal? So that’s all for today’s episode. I hope that you have an amazing day, an amazing week and I’ll chat with you soon.

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