Inside Out: What Really Helps Online Businesses Grow with Coach and Kim

Kim Job and Coach Scott Job offer valuable insights on using your inner strengths to succeed in business in this conversation with Roberto Candelaria. They talk about understanding yourself, your mindset, and how to overcome doubts when starting a business.

Together, they’ll discuss:

  • Knowing Yourself and Your Strengths: The importance of recognizing what you’re good at and what you love doing in your business strategy.
  • Making Decisions Easier: Setting clear goals and focusing on specific projects each month to make progress without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Having a Clear Plan: They explain how having a clear vision and following through on tasks can help you reach your business goals effectively.
  • Being True to Yourself and Taking Action: They encourage being genuine in your business approach and taking proactive steps that align with your personal values.

Kim and Coach invite entrepreneurs to find answers within themselves, promoting a proactive and genuine approach to growing their businesses.


5 Decisions to Simplify Your Strategy:

Outside the Story –


Connect on IG @robertocandelaria


00:00:01 Roberto Candelaria
So just a few weeks ago, we had the platform and profit summit. It was May one through three. It was an amazing time and one of the things I love about doing virtual summits is the opportunity to connect with so many amazing speakers, coaches, consultants and people from all types of different backgrounds. And when we put up the call for speakers this time around, Coach and Kim, Yes, Coach, we’re going to get into that in the interview you will see. But Coach and Kim were some of the individuals that actually applied. And as we were going through the, you know, the speaker application process, I was just like, Oh my gosh, who are these people? I definitely want to get to meet them.

00:00:43 Roberto Candelaria
So Scott and Kim are a coaching duo. They are husband and wife and one of the things that they absolutely love doing is helping people unlock potential in their life and in their business, and together they’re the founders of the Story Coach Academy, where they help coaches discover and get past the subconscious blocks that are holding you back. And that’s really fun because as human beings, y’all listen, we’ve got types of thoughts running through our head. Now, Kim is a certified life and master story coach. She specializes in business strategy and healing subconscious blocks that are getting in your way. And she actually started her coaching career as an executive at the Life Coach School, where she played a role in their multimillion-dollar growth.

00:01:29 Roberto Candelaria
She’s a business strategist and she absolutely loves elevating coaches through marketing systems and the inner work. Now, Scott or otherwise, known as Coach, you’re gonna hear me call him coach a lot in the interview. He’s a certified leadership, high-performance coach and he blends his experience and company culture, team building and sales strategy and y’all he’s just very straightforward and you are going to love it. So I hope that you’ll join us for this conversation as we talk about S + S + S = R.

00:00:02 Roberto Candelaria
OK. So we’re back and we have Coach and Kim, now you’ve heard all about them already. And So what I wanted you to do is get your pen, get your paper because I have a feeling that you might learn a thing or two today. So before we hit record, we was already talking. I probably need to make a whole take that call before we hit record, but that’s another conversation for another day and I just love these two humans. So Coach and Kim, do us a favor.

00:00:31 Roberto Candelaria
Tell us real briefly like what got you here, where you’re at in your business and.

00:00:41 Coach/Scott Job
Thank you for asking. So I come from an athletic coaching background that, that’s why they call me Coach or Scott. Mr. Job was my dad or my granddad. But I come from an athletic background. I’ve always been able to read energy. I love high performance. It really excites me. Kim is a genius. Like she literally is very intelligent. She’s she’s built four or five online businesses through the years. And I mean.

00:01:13 Coach/Scott Job
I’ll let her tell you a little bit more if she if. If you want to know, but she’s just amazing. And so how did we get here? We met and we married after having gone through a rough time in Maria. And we just found that in so many levels on so many levels, we just fit. We just match. And so we think we’re different coaches than probably anybody else out there and that’s not trying to say we’re better than anybody, we just feel like we’re different, so.

00:01:44 Kim Job
Scott has a lot of coaching consulting, that kind of training stuff in his background and my I came to coaching through the Life Coach School. I was an executive there for four years and I that’s how I was introduced to coaching and then coaching has just changed our world in every aspect since it came into it.

00:02:06 Roberto Candelaria
Yeah, I think it’s such a wonderful thing. And y’all, listen, everybody also needs a spouse that says that you’re a genius. Like, how’s that feel? Can like, like how does it feel to have this stuff like?

00:02:21 Roberto Candelaria

00:02:21 Kim Job

00:02:23 Coach/Scott Job
She doesn’t, I.

00:02:25 Kim Job
I am definitely working on receiving. That’s one of the skills I’m stepping into is receiving, so I’m doing better than I have.

00:02:33 Roberto Candelaria

00:02:36 Coach/Scott Job
I am a little biased.

00:02:39 Roberto Candelaria
Hey, we all need people with a little bit of bias in our lives and I think that like being a different coach is good. And we’re going to jump here into a little bit about like more about what y’all do and how you do it. But I want to like just touch on that for whoever’s listening like please be different. Please be uniquely you. We don’t need a bunch of cookie cutter coaches that you know, everybody was just like ask these two questions and then the session will be wonderful like it could. But then it’s like what you want for the client, not what they want for themselves. So please be different find your style.

00:03:17 Roberto Candelaria
Find your your message like do all of that. And so Speaking of y’all.

00:03:21 Roberto Candelaria
Like y’all do this thing. It’s like F + S + S and I’m not going to give away the equals because hey, then people wouldn’t listen. So talk to us about this. What is S + S + s? What does it equal? And how did this come to be in your business?

00:03:40 Coach/Scott Job
That’s a great question. So when we first started out coaching, we went into strategy right away.

00:03:48 Coach/Scott Job
And what we were finding is that the strategy by itself wasn’t being as effective as we thought it would.

00:03:56 Coach/Scott Job
And it started to occur to us that there were some things that needed to happen.

00:04:02 Coach/Scott Job
For the strategy to be the most valuable, and that would be state somebody state.

00:04:10 Coach/Scott Job
And their story, what is their story? Are you continuing to survive inside of a story?

00:04:17 Coach/Scott Job
Or are you living outside of a story because it makes a difference with the strategy? So that’s where the state plus story plus strategy, and then you can put whatever you want after the equal sign.

00:04:31 Coach/Scott Job
So it can be it can be any kind of result that you want. We’ve we’ve taught it for visibility. We’ve taught it for.

00:04:38 Kim Job
Weight loss, relationships, clients, anything, anything. It’s just the result, right. So state plus story plus strategy equals any result. What we find is clients come to us and they’re like.

00:04:51 Kim Job
Tell me what to do. Right. Clients that just want the strategy.

00:04:55 Kim Job
That’s what we did at first. We just gave them the strategy, but it didn’t always work, didn’t always work, and we found that these other pieces were missing and they’re the most powerful pieces. They are the the fuel behind your business, the fuel.

00:05:09 Roberto Candelaria
I OK, I love this and one I love it because getting to hear you explain it, I’m over here drawing notes. If you’re watching the video, you may have seen me grab a pen and stuff. If you’re not, well, then you didn’t.

00:05:20 Roberto Candelaria
Get to see me get a pen. But.

00:05:23 Roberto Candelaria
As I’m writing this down and you know, hearing you all share this, it reminds me of some clients that I had.

00:05:30 Roberto Candelaria
Years ago, when I was first starting in coaching, especially in the business coach.

00:05:33 Roberto Candelaria

00:05:34 Roberto Candelaria
You know, and I had this belief that was like, well, they’re they’re coming to me for a business strategy. So of course I need to give them what they, you know, quote UN quote paid for, right. Like they paid for the strategy. And as I kind of grew more as coach like, well, no, they didn’t pay me for the strategy they paid to learn how to grow business and.

00:05:54 Roberto Candelaria
Sometimes that way is you’ve got to look inside.

00:06:00 Roberto Candelaria
Which is something.

00:06:00 Roberto Candelaria
I grew up doing so, that’s that’s a whole other conversation. I’ve done a lot of.

00:06:04 Roberto Candelaria
That since then.

00:06:06 Roberto Candelaria
But let’s talk about this, you know, so strategy plus, I just messed up the the you know what? That’s the joy. We’re just going.

00:06:13 Roberto Candelaria
To do any order.

00:06:15 Roberto Candelaria
What next?

00:06:15 Roberto Candelaria
We’ll start there.

00:06:17 Roberto Candelaria
Strategy. Story state.

00:06:19 Roberto Candelaria
Do they have to be in a specific order? Are they interchange?

00:06:23 Kim Job
Strategy comes last. That’s the most important piece. So your state we’re we’re always either in one of two states, we’re in a powerful state or a primal state. So powerful states feel good to us, right? They’re states like joy, compassion, curiosity, creativity, happiness, connection, things like that, primal states.

00:06:42 Kim Job
Other states that don’t feel as great, there’s things like anger, stress, fear, overwhelm, worry, right. And if you, if you stop and do a gut check and in any moment of your life, you can.

00:06:54 Kim Job
Feel which one you’re.

00:06:55 Kim Job
In you can feel if you’re in fear or you can feel if you’re in creation, right and they are a very different way of living our lives.

00:07:03 Kim Job
One is primal, one is powerful, one is survival, one is living, one is fear, one is love, right? So that’s state.

00:07:12 Kim Job
Then we all have stories, right? Every single thing that happens in our life creates like a lens that we’re now looking through. While all those lenses pile up, like in a big telescope, and you’re looking through a million different lenses and it gives you a distorted view of what is actually happening. Right. So we see what is not actually.

00:07:25 Roberto Candelaria

00:07:33 Kim Job
Happening, we see what’s happening combined with our story.

00:07:37 Kim Job
And we need to clear out all those lenses so that you have a you’re operating from a powerful state with a clear lens, and then you have the strategy and then you take off with the strategy before when you have the strategy, the strategy is just adding noise. It’s just another piece that overwhelms you and keeps you in a primal state.

00:07:57 Roberto Candelaria
OK, also I’m curious.

00:07:59 Roberto Candelaria
How many of you?

00:08:00 Roberto Candelaria
Actually relate to that like you built the strategy you got.

00:08:03 Roberto Candelaria
The checklist you.

00:08:04 Roberto Candelaria
Have this thing and then you’re just.

00:08:06 Roberto Candelaria
I know it’s good, but why can I still do nothing with this wonderful and great idea that I have? With what? Why can’t I do anything with this checklist that.

00:08:17 Roberto Candelaria
I’ve built and so.

00:08:19 Roberto Candelaria
I guess.

00:08:22 Roberto Candelaria
Got like two different ways in my head that I’m like, Oh my God, this is so good.

00:08:27 Roberto Candelaria
So I’ll say.

00:08:27 Roberto Candelaria
Both and then maybe y’all say, hey, this we feel that like based on our experience, this one’s more important or we’ll cover both. So I guess on one is like.

00:08:36 Roberto Candelaria
As a client.

00:08:39 Roberto Candelaria
So someone listening, we go to a coach.

00:08:42 Roberto Candelaria
You know, heck myself or the two of you, we go to a coach and we’re like, Oh my God, we need to know how to do this and what we think.

00:08:51 Roberto Candelaria
We just want the strategy.

00:08:53 Roberto Candelaria
How do we as clients?

00:08:58 Roberto Candelaria
Begin to look for more than a strategy, but also I think the flip side of that is.

00:09:04 Roberto Candelaria
As a code, when somebody’s coming here, very simple answer, coach. I just see the answer. Can’t like like just tell me. Give me the play and put me in and let’s go. How do you educate to let someone know that?

00:09:15 Kim Job

00:09:20 Roberto Candelaria
There is more.

00:09:21 Roberto Candelaria
And the the prettiest checklist in the world is going to make you check the box.

00:09:24 Kim Job
Right. The most powerful thing we can do as a human being is to have a goal.

00:09:30 Kim Job
And the reason it’s so powerful is because when when we have a target and we start walking toward that target, everything that’s in the way is going to come up. Our insecurity, our fear, our doubt, our comparing ourselves, our perfectionism. So as long as the client has a goal and you tell them as you walk toward, that stuff’s going to come up.

00:09:50 Kim Job
And you’re going to want to lean out in those moments that you want to lean out. Lean in, you lean in, and underneath the resistance, we also see resistance is like barbed wire that’s protecting something beautiful underneath.

00:10:04 Kim Job
If you lean in.

00:10:05 Kim Job
In those moments that you want to lean out when you’re walking toward.

00:10:07 Kim Job
Your goal and those.

00:10:08 Kim Job
Things come up. You’ll make some you find the goal underneath, and then they become a stepping stone that propel you toward your goal. So in that regard, a goal literally brings your own evolution forth, right as you’re walking toward it. Anything in the way is going to come up. You’re going to see it.

00:10:25 Kim Job
And with your coach, they’re gonna help you clear it out.

00:10:27 Kim Job
Of the way.

00:10:28 Kim Job
So you can keep walking towards your goal.

00:10:30 Coach/Scott Job
If it’s OK, Roberto, I want to use.

00:10:32 Coach/Scott Job
An athletic analogy.

00:10:35 Roberto Candelaria

00:10:36 Coach/Scott Job
Imagine and how the football coach want to use an analogy.

00:10:41 Coach/Scott Job
So in 1993 and a very small town in Southern California.

00:10:48 Coach/Scott Job
Born high school. That’s why I coached where I played, won a state championship in football. Now in California it’s a huge thing to win a CIF championship. That’s the governing body.

00:11:00 Coach/Scott Job
All that being said.

00:11:03 Coach/Scott Job
1993 we were state champions. I coached those same young men as freshmen three years prior. We didn’t win very many games.

00:11:11 Coach/Scott Job
Same same young man.

00:11:15 Coach/Scott Job
I would probably say at least half if I were to ask half of them what changed between your freshman year and not hardly winning any games and your senior year where you win every game.

00:11:26 Coach/Scott Job
Not easily, and some of them were very.

00:11:29 Coach/Scott Job
Close we were.

00:11:30 Coach/Scott Job
A school of 200 something kids playing a lot of times 1200 kids or schools with 1200 plus enrollment.

00:11:37 Coach/Scott Job
What changed? They would tell you my state.

00:11:41 Coach/Scott Job
And my story.

00:11:43 Coach/Scott Job
Because I started to envision it, that conduit between my heart and what I believe and how I feel.

00:11:51 Coach/Scott Job
And the things that I’ve been taught.

00:11:53 Coach/Scott Job
All through the years playing football.

00:11:57 Coach/Scott Job
Have come together. My inner champion started to be able to leak through because the conduit was open enough. So for somebody who’s and Kim and I both have coaches, we’re coaches, but we have mentors and coaches ourselves. Why?

00:12:13 Coach/Scott Job
Because for us to stay on the cutting edge and to try to really be able to impact others, we have to get coach, we have to get, keep our stuff in a container.

00:12:24 Kim Job
We can’t see our own blind spots, so it’s very important to have.

00:12:29 Coach/Scott Job
The athletes would tell you.

00:12:32 Coach/Scott Job
Coach the coaches got me to believe in myself. The coaches got me to envision me doing things that I never envisioned before.

00:12:41 Coach/Scott Job
We had one young man, 100 and I don’t know 155 lbs who played defensive lineman. Who who’s defensive lineman at 155 lbs. But the truth is it was all about what he could accomplish when he set his mind to it. He worked really hard. He was so quick and fast that not one person.

00:13:01 Coach/Scott Job
Could could block him. He had to. He had to require to double team, which means our linebackers made a lot of tackles. Now having said that.

00:13:10 Coach/Scott Job
If you’re running the business and you’re coming to us saying no, I don’t want any of the state of the story coach. Just tell me what to do. I’m probably going to chuckle a little bit and try to get across to you that it is state and story that will either make the very same strategy.

00:13:30 Coach/Scott Job
Work or thrive or not work.

00:13:35 Coach/Scott Job
What comes before that is more important than the strategy. Now, that doesn’t mean that strategy isn’t important. It means it’s not as important as getting your state in a place, and your story is under control where you can actually live and feel the power of Co creation versus.


00:13:55 Coach/Scott Job
It’s just monotonous and it’s ugly and it’s yucky, right? That makes all the difference. It’s about energy. It’s about it all together.

00:14:04 Kim Job
And when you can do that, almost any strategy works. So from there with with strategy, what we really encourage people is to do what you’re already good at, like don’t go learn a bunch of new things you already know.

00:14:16 Kim Job
Things you already know people like rely on the people you already know rely on the skills that you already have. Rely on the strengths that you already have, like lead with those things in your strategy. Be consistent and any strategy works like people think. The strategy is the answer and the other pieces of it are the answer.

00:14:34 Roberto Candelaria
OK. Yeah. So I’ve got like again two directions y’all you’re going to love this listening if you could like just see the notes I’m taking over here because it’s reminding me of.

00:14:43 Roberto Candelaria
So much, and I’m like oh.

00:14:44 Roberto Candelaria
My gosh, in this direction in that direction so.

00:14:48 Roberto Candelaria
First of all, I just love those examples coach from.


00:14:52 Roberto Candelaria
The the player and what?

00:14:54 Roberto Candelaria
It was talking about.

00:14:55 Roberto Candelaria
You were talking.

00:14:56 Roberto Candelaria
What kept popping into my head and what I was taking notes on over here.

00:14:59 Roberto Candelaria
Is, you know, we hear the story about these Olympic athletes.

00:15:03 Roberto Candelaria
Who literally can be sitting in a chair sitting wherever because they can visualize the finish line they’ve been taught to visualize the finish line, visualize the metal stand, visualize the race, that they can literally just like, sit, put their hands on their legs, and because they’ve.

00:15:23 Roberto Candelaria
Figured out the state of it so much and they’re so into it that like they can literally record like the muscle twitches of these people because they’re visualizing it so much. And so when you were talking, I think it’s the first time.

00:15:35 Roberto Candelaria
That I ever actually connect that to a business perspective of like so many people see.

00:15:41 Roberto Candelaria
Like that I will have a business that does X or I want this in my business but.

00:15:47 Roberto Candelaria
They’re telling themselves the story of they’ve got this, you know, the result of.

00:15:53 Roberto Candelaria
Successful business, whatever successful business is for them.

00:15:56 Roberto Candelaria
They’ve got the strategy, they’ve got the checklist, they’ve got somebody that’s built the playbook for them, but they’ve got this story of.

00:16:04 Roberto Candelaria
But I’m not good enough, but I already failed once or they’ve got some sort of shame around like they should have been making money.

00:16:13 Roberto Candelaria
By now, like what’s?

00:16:14 Roberto Candelaria
Going on here and so I want to tie that into what you said, Kim, with.

00:16:21 Roberto Candelaria
Do what you’re good at and lead with that.

00:16:25 Roberto Candelaria
And I think it’s something that’s not talked about enough.

00:16:30 Roberto Candelaria
In the coaching world.

00:16:31 Roberto Candelaria
Is that sometimes people don’t know.

00:16:34 Roberto Candelaria
What they’re good at, because life may have.

00:16:37 Kim Job

00:16:37 Roberto Candelaria
Knock them down a little bit. Yeah. I have this belief that sometimes when we create a way for our client to get a quick win that they can start to read, believe in themselves again.

00:16:49 Roberto Candelaria

00:16:50 Roberto Candelaria
I guess to you can, when somebody’s in that space of whether they have a coach or not, maybe they’re listening to this show and they’re like, well, this sounds great, but the story in my head is I’m not good enough. You already failed. You’re going to fail again. This is for people that don’t look like you. How do they shift that? What’s one step they can take forward?

00:17:10 Kim Job
Yeah. So I.

00:17:12 Kim Job
Very much believe that you should focus on pulling energy in your business versus pushing energy. So I want I, I want them to turn inward and like really listen to what is lighting them up, what is so exciting to them, what they get up and cannot wait to do it and do that.

00:17:30 Kim Job
That is going to be so powerful for them, but instead we get sit back here and we’re like, I need to learn more. What’s the right way? And instead you need to literally turn inward, see what lights you up inside. Like what? What do you do? And you lose time when you’re doing it.

00:17:46 Kim Job
What do people come and ask you for advice about? What have you always been good at like? Those are the things for. For me, it’s funny because I am such a thinker that I had to take a test to tell me what I was good at. And I I took the the strengths Finder test and it came back that my top five strengths were all thinking strengths. And I’m like, duh, of course.

00:18:05 Kim Job
They are, but it was fascinating because seeing it in black and white on paper suddenly gave me permission to stop proving it.

00:18:14 Kim Job
And just step into it and be it. I could just step into it and be it and like, use all those thinking strengths in our business to create powerful.

00:18:23 Kim Job
Things you know what I mean and stop, like telling everyone I’m smart. Hey, I’m smart. Hey, I’m smart. Just be smart and like, step into your power. Right. So lots of ways. Take a test if you need to, but if if not, just literally one of my, one of my favorite questions to have clients journal on at the end of the day, I want you to ask what?

00:18:43 Kim Job
Felt the most like me today.

00:18:46 Kim Job
What felt the most like me today and whatever that is, put that in your business. Find a way to put that in your business because that will light you up and then you become magnetic from the inside out and people can’t help but want what you have.

00:18:59 Roberto Candelaria
Yeah, I like that. And then it it’s so funny enough. It actually goes in alignment so much in align with actually one of my favorite things on my computer. I have a post it note over here. And so the things that I have to remind myself of y’all is how I do it is how it’s done.

Yes, because.

00:19:16 Kim Job

00:19:16 Roberto Candelaria
Sometimes I can be like.

00:19:18 Roberto Candelaria
Did you see the Facebook?

00:19:19 Roberto Candelaria
Ad person ran on it’s like but it is how it’s done, which is why it lives on this computer monitor because whenever I want to compare.

00:19:27 Roberto Candelaria
How I do it? How it’s done? So I love that too. Like for the day. It’s like, OK, what just.

00:19:34 Kim Job

00:19:34 Roberto Candelaria
The most like me, so I know you all have questions. I’ll coach like good coaches, love questions. And so I understand that you all run your business and five questions.

00:19:46 Roberto Candelaria
What are the questions and how can other people maybe apply them or make them their own in?

00:19:52 Kim Job
Their business as well, yeah. First I’ll tell you kind of how I use them in my business. Like, again every everybody wants the strategy.

00:19:59 Kim Job
But often if you say like download a strategy, it’s like this 85 step strategy, right? And that’s just immediately overwhelming and you just shut down. You don’t even start the strategy. So we run our business. Our strategy from 5 questions and I look at them as anchors in my business. So anytime I’m like what’s next, where are we going? Where are we, who are we?

00:20:20 Kim Job
I come back to these five questions. So what the five questions are, the first one is what are you selling?

00:20:25 Kim Job
And we actually like to to.

00:20:26 Kim Job
Divide our month and half and sell one thing. The first half of the month, one thing, the second-half of the month, and then we just rotate through things.

00:20:32 Coach/Scott Job
That we’re selling keeps it fresh and exciting. Selling can. There’s another word that you can put in there inviting. So sometimes it’s not that you’re charging or it’s low cost. But what are you inviting people to? That’s an important.

00:20:38 Kim Job
Could just be.

00:20:45 Coach/Scott Job
Question on your business.

00:20:46 Kim Job
And then the second question is what offer are you promoting? What free offer are you currently promoting? We always need something for you, right? That we’re giving away to introduce people into.

00:20:55 Kim Job
The world, the third question is what form of marketing are you focused on? I want you to always become an expert at one platform before you spread yourself across 20 platforms. You know what I mean? It’s way better to take 20 steps in one area than two steps in 10 areas, right? So I want you to get good at 1:00.

00:21:13 Kim Job
Thing. Pick one thing, get good.

00:21:15 Roberto Candelaria
The first.

00:21:15 Roberto Candelaria
We’re gonna stop right there real quick, yeah.

00:21:18 Roberto Candelaria
That is another huge one. Yell like I was off video again. I don’t know if if coaching camp saw me. I was over here clapping, which they said.

00:21:29 Roberto Candelaria

00:21:30 Roberto Candelaria
Platform and I just want to interrupt.

00:21:33 Roberto Candelaria
You and say that with that y’all.

00:21:35 Roberto Candelaria
The ideal platform for you #1 is going to be where your people are, but #2.

00:21:39 Roberto Candelaria
The one that.

00:21:40 Roberto Candelaria
You’ll actually use.

00:21:41 Kim Job
Yeah, the one.

00:21:42 Kim Job
You like one, right? The one you like to get out on? Yeah, totally.

00:21:47 Roberto Candelaria

00:21:47 Roberto Candelaria
And and I’ll just.

00:21:48 Roberto Candelaria
Tell you like for me, that’s e-mail so and and and and I’m jumping in and saying this kind of that somebody’s.

00:21:53 Roberto Candelaria
Out there being like the.

00:21:55 Kim Job

00:21:55 Roberto Candelaria
I want to dance on TikTok. I want to create view role for Instagram. I don’t want.

00:21:59 Roberto Candelaria
This y’all just.

00:22:00 Roberto Candelaria
Grow your e-mail list though, like I do all my marketing and e-mail so sorry I had to interrupt there because I was like.

00:22:08 Kim Job
No, I.

00:22:08 Roberto Candelaria
Time. You can’t do them all.

00:22:10 Coach/Scott Job
You sparked a a passion nerve. Like you’re passionate about that, Roberto. When?

00:22:15 Coach/Scott Job
You talked about.

00:22:16 Coach/Scott Job
That I could feel the energy just radiating off of you through the waves on a on a on a call here, right. You’re passionate about it. It struck a nerve. And you’re like, yes.

00:22:28 Coach/Scott Job
And I love it when we have clients that do the same thing.

00:22:31 Coach/Scott Job
It’s like they just light up like energetic. They just light up and that’s what we.

00:22:35 Coach/Scott Job
Saw from you?

00:22:36 Coach/Scott Job
So I love that.

00:22:38 Roberto Candelaria
Yeah. And and well, they sell it y’all may not because you know it’s maybe audio only, but that’s why you should go over to YouTube and see.

00:22:45 Roberto Candelaria
If we post stuff.

00:22:49 Roberto Candelaria
OK. So that was three number four or five, sorry.

00:22:54 Kim Job
Yeah. No, you’re good.

00:22:55 Kim Job
Question #4 is what one project will you complete this month? I have all my clients pick one project every month and decide what will be complete by the end of the month and if you focus on that and actually complete it like you leave this trail of assets.

00:23:10 Kim Job

00:23:11 Kim Job
Like, really, really focusing. It’s similar to like if you’re here in Success, Island is over here Build 1 bridge at a time from you all the way to the island, not twenty bridges. And take two steps every day. Like one project at a time. People always ask me how I get so much done. And that’s literally how I get up on Sunday evening. I ask what will be done by Friday and I decide what will be done by Friday.

00:23:31 Kim Job
And then I get it done, but I only focus on that one thing. But what that also allows me is almost always.

00:23:36 Kim Job
I get it done by two.

00:23:38 Kim Job
And then I.

00:23:38 Kim Job
Don’t have to work. You know what I mean? So, like really, really. But I still need my business forward. Just with that. Really. Really.

00:23:45 Kim Job
Focused on one project at.

00:23:46 Coach/Scott Job
A time. So let’s just say we’ll again go back to athletics. Let’s just say that there that you want to be a champion and we start to break down you and me because I’m, I’m the coach of the.

00:23:58 Coach/Scott Job
Athlete. Let’s break down what you have and what you want. What? What is it that you want to have?

00:24:05 Coach/Scott Job
So when she’s talking about one project per month, she’s looking at the other side. She’s saying, OK, it’s not that it’s a, it’s a place to get to. But in a month’s time, if I have a strategy, if I figure out what it is that I want at the end of the month, I’ll have an asset that I didn’t have before the month started.

00:24:25 Coach/Scott Job
So it’s really about picking and choosing what you want.

00:24:30 Coach/Scott Job
And what’s going to make the most sense to get you to your final goal? Again, people get caught up in focusing because what you focus on grows. If I focus on the goal, I don’t have enough focus. I don’t have enough liquid in my picture to put enough in the in the cup or the glass.

00:24:50 Coach/Scott Job
To make a difference, but if I focus on the tasks.

00:24:55 Coach/Scott Job
And the projects that are going to get me to my goal and I can see it, I can envision it in my mind. Then by the time this.

00:25:02 Coach/Scott Job
Month’s over.

00:25:03 Coach/Scott Job
That project is going to allow me to have an asset or a piece of the puzzle to get me there that I didn’t have when the month started.

00:25:14 Roberto Candelaria
I love to sell and you know it’s one of those things, like when it comes down to projects, I was very much the same way at first. It was like I’ve got this big checklist. And as long as I have the checklist.


00:25:28 Roberto Candelaria
I wasn’t because I didn’t always put a date on it. And you know, now that we have, like, so many different, you know, things going in different spaces, it’s really interesting because like.

00:25:41 Roberto Candelaria
Have this dashboard and our project management.

00:25:48 Roberto Candelaria
But it’s so great because my assistant is able to then just have me one little section. It’s one little box that I looked at you.

00:25:57 Roberto Candelaria
And it’s like Roberto’s to do.

00:25:59 Kim Job

00:26:00 Roberto Candelaria
And the only thing that shows me in that view is what I need to do.

00:26:05 Roberto Candelaria

00:26:06 Roberto Candelaria
Now on our weekly meeting, I will know what I need to do.

00:26:09 Roberto Candelaria
For the week and the month.

00:26:10 Roberto Candelaria
And yeah, that. But it’s so much.

00:26:12 Roberto Candelaria
Better when I can just look and be like.

00:26:15 Roberto Candelaria
Because I’m one of those people, when I see all 12,000 steps.

00:26:20 Roberto Candelaria
You know, it’s a thing we actually the way that I actually got connected with y’all with y’all were just on one of our virtual summit.

00:26:28 Roberto Candelaria
It’s our virtual stem, it’s yell if.

00:26:30 Roberto Candelaria
We’re thinking about doing one like talk to three with the summit host, like she’s great, but they have over 600 steps closer to 700 steps, and I remember the first time I saw the project plan. I was like, there ain’t no way this is happening.


00:26:44 Roberto Candelaria
There is zero and so we literally broke it down in chunks like this is what needs to happen this week. This is what needs to happen here and so.

00:26:54 Roberto Candelaria
I love that you work with your.

00:26:55 Roberto Candelaria
Clients, I’m just.

00:26:57 Roberto Candelaria
Chunk it. How do you make it manageable? That’s so, so.

00:27:02 Roberto Candelaria
Kind of going out here towards like ending the episode.

00:27:07 Roberto Candelaria
Where do people find Joe? I know you have got a PDF for them on five decisions to simplify your strategy. Tell us more about that and after that.

00:27:18 Kim Job
Yeah. So the.

00:27:19 Kim Job
That’s actually the the five questions that we’ve just gone through. Let me just tell you the fifth one because we.

00:27:23 Kim Job
Didn’t say that and it might be the most.

00:27:24 Roberto Candelaria
Oh my gosh. I wrote down.

00:27:25 Roberto Candelaria
A whole nother question and made it.


00:27:27 Kim Job
Well, awesome. There’s a 16.

00:27:33 Kim Job
The 5th is what one message will you share? And my favorite thing to ask the client is what are you here to say?

00:27:40 Kim Job
Like what did you hear to say in the way that only you can say it because of your background, your strengths, your everything. Right. I want you to stand up and say it like, say it. Shout boldly, say it, shout it from the rooftops. And if you know what your one message is, clients will know it too, because you’re saying it and saying it and saying it.

00:28:00 Kim Job
And then they hear it. And if it resonates with them, that’s what matters. And they will want what you have because you’re speaking from your heart and seeing what you are here to say, doing what you are here to do.


00:28:12 Kim Job
That is the work that we are here to do is to help you get get out of your own way so you can do that so that your ripples can spread in the coaching world. Your unique message, your unique way of doing things, you leading with your strengths, with your power, right.

00:28:27 Coach/Scott Job
So everybody’s at a different level and wherever you are.

00:08:19 Roberto Candelaria
I guess

00:28:31 Coach/Scott Job
That’s where you are. It’s it’s like putting something into the the the GPS, right? The GPS needs to know where you want to go, but it also needs to know where you start from. Where am I right now?

00:28:45 Coach/Scott Job
And then what’s the best way to get there? And so you know this, this PDF that you can click on and these these questions, it’s good, better, best, right. It’s good to know the questions. It’s good to.

00:28:57 Coach/Scott Job
Have a little bit.

00:28:58 Coach/Scott Job
Of a blueprint of how to get there to have a strategy.

00:29:03 Coach/Scott Job
But we’ve already talked about the state and the the state and the story being very important, so good, better, best, good to have a a blueprint.

00:29:13 Coach/Scott Job
Better to have coaches that can use energy and focus and determination and figure out how to get these questions. How do I set myself up and then how do I effectively change or alter my stories?

00:29:33 Coach/Scott Job
And my and my.

00:29:34 Coach/Scott Job
State so that the strategy will.

00:29:36 Kim Job
Work right and then the strategy feels like freedom instead of like noise.

00:29:40 Coach/Scott Job
So when we talk about a signature program, it’s absolutely our outside the story because people are they don’t realize they’ve literally been surviving all their life.

00:29:50 Coach/Scott Job
From from the time, maybe there were five or four or six or seven, but they’ve merely been surviving and they’ve created some patterns and stories, and it’s gotten them where they are. But you know what? If you want to go to that next level, if you want to talk, CIF championship or state championship.

00:30:08 Coach/Scott Job
Now we got to change some story. We got to change some state and that’s what we love to do so.

00:30:14 Kim Job
So the the, the, the easiest place to find us is on Instagram. I’m Kimberly Jay coaching. You can always find the our latest offers there. Our free offers there stuff.

00:30:24 Coach/Scott Job


00:30:26 Coach/Scott Job
No, and we love that. We love to have strategy sessions with, with coaches and talk about, you know, I’m one of those weird guys. I you have to fit a certain category for me to want to work with you, right. And it’s not that I’m picky or choosy, but I need people that are willing to put in the time willing to put in the energy.

00:30:47 Coach/Scott Job
And the work, that doesn’t mean that I’m a work master. It’s not about that. It’s about really, truly coming with a humble and coachable or teachable mind and heart.

0:31:00 Coach/Scott Job
And ohh man we can mold not not just me. We and you as a team we can mold and shape you to be able to do whatever it is that you want to do and accomplish. But it has to do a state and story.

00:31:16 Coach/Scott Job
Before the strategy.

00:31:18 Roberto Candelaria

00:31:19 Roberto Candelaria
And you know, we have in the show notes, we’ve got the link or here on my website. You can see it there.

0:31:26 Roberto Candelaria
To the five decisions to simplify your strategy, you can also get that over at coach, spelled just like Coach and Cam back slash decision, so you will find that there so y’all thanks so much for hanging out today. This has been fun and so I guess in closing.

00:31:41 Kim Job

00:31:47 Roberto Candelaria
We’ll say 20 ish seconds or less.

00:31:51 Roberto Candelaria
What is one thing that you want the listener to know about?

00:31:56 Roberto Candelaria
What’s possible for them in business?

00:32:01 Kim Job
What I want you to know is that you think your answers are on the outside, but they’re not. Your all of your answers are on the inside. Your strategies on the inside, your niches on the inside, all of the things are on the inside, so stop looking out there like literally slow down.

00:32:16 Kim Job
Look inside. See what you’re already good at. Lead with your strengths. See what lights you up inside. See what feels the most. Like you do that and and you’ll be.

00:32:30 Coach/Scott Job
You can do it if you set your mind to it. If you can envision it.

00:32:33 Coach/Scott Job
You can have it.

00:32:35 Roberto Candelaria
Awesome. We have a great day, y’all. We’ll see you next week on the show and bye.

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