
How to Get Sponsors – The 9 Biggest Mistakes Entrepreneurs & Nonprofits Make When Getting Sponsored (Part 2)

In my last blog post I shared 3 of the 9 biggest mistakes Entrepreneurs & Nonprofits make when learning how to get sponsored. In case you missed it, here they are: 1. A “show me the money” mentality 2. Not knowing how to price the sponsorship 3. Thinking one call or email is all it…


How to Get Sponsors – The 9 Biggest Mistakes Entrepreneurs & Nonprofits Make When Getting Sponsored (Part 1)

Do you know the 9 biggest mistakes Entrepreneurs & Nonprofits make when learning how to get sponsors or creating sponsorship proposals that kill their results? If you want to get sponsors for your business or nonprofit and avoid the sponsorship mistakes that stop most people dead in their tracks, read this immediately because the mistakes…


How to Get Sponsored – Giving the Right Exposure & Value

When it comes to getting sponsored, something I’ve seen “make or break” a deal more than once is when all involved parties can’t define what value means to them. One thing that will always be on the minds of companies looking to provide corporate sponsorships is: “will this provide my company with the exposure or…