Make More Money and Build Even More Community with Partnerships, Collabs, and Affiliates.

Ready to Get Collabs and Partnerships For Your Brands?

Make More Money and Build Even More Community with Partnerships, Collabs, and Affiliates.

Even if You Don’t Have a Big Mailing List, a Facebook Group or are just starting online.

It’s Time to Get More Collabs and Partnerships As a Coach, Service Provider and Online Business Owner.

Forget the BS that you gotta have a “huge” email list, a “massive” social following, and fancy brand shoots to make money with partnerships and collabs.


Brands and companies, more than ever, value community and connection over that pretty IG feed and vanity metrics. They know that real people, real stories and real connections matter. 


To Get Collabs and Parnterhips You Need To:

  • Create the mindset for profitable partnerships
  • Know what types of Collabs and Partnerships You Want (hint: we use 7 types)
  • Have an idea of what brands (or other business owners) you want to collaborate with or partner with
  • Know which brands are a good fit for you
  • Know how to create pitch and promo decks that get the attention of decision-makers

Meet Fareedah


She helps parents protect their kids online and has partnered with brands such as Facebook, Mozilla, LinkedIn, YouTube, and more!

STOP Waiting for Brands to Send You a DM only to Offer You a Free Pair of Socks (shirt or sticker) to Use Your Influence and Community.

I totally get it.
People and “experts” have said to just wait for someone to DM you or blindly send 100’s of DM’s to “make a deal” and it might feel all types of icky, sleazy, or <<insert YOUR favorite adjective here>> when ya think about it.

Here’s the thing though… Partnerships, Collaborations and Affiliates are kinda my thing…. And they can feel good and be profitable while also serving your community (aka people).

Since 2009 I’ve leveraged the power of partnerships and collaborations to build a business AND life I love while also making dance recitals, not missing family vacations and teaching thousands of other entrepreneurs to build Profitable Communities through partnerships.

Whether you’re already partnering with local brands and other small business owners, working with the National brands or still wanting to know how partnerships will work for you… partnerships and collabs can mean additional profits to your business.

Meet Bradley


Guiding men and their hearts through the hardest of journeys, offering expert grief support & education. He has partnered with Canva, local municipalities as a Chaplain, and more. 

It’s Time to Start Adding Partnerships and Collabs as a Profit Center in YOUR Business…

Let’s Grow Your Email List, Social Following, and Revenue (& even more profits!) with Collabs and Partnerships!

Meet LIZ Wilcox - The Fresh Princess of Email...

A lot of people ask me about my affiliate marketing strategy. Well, I stole it from Roberto, obviously. Both he and Warren have been instrumental in me keeping partnerships and networking top of mind. And those partnerships have led to some great connections and big dividends in my revenue over the last few years. This year alone, I can attribute over $50k to partnerships. Like Roberto always says “RELATIONSHIPS MAKE MONEY, BABY!”

-Liz Wilcox

The Fresh Princess of Email /

Join us for Partnership
Quickstart A 4-Part Partnerships and
Collaborations Masterclass

“Partnership Quickstart: The Fast-Track to Have Others Promote You, Your Products and Services!”

You’re Invited to join us for a Four-Part Masterclass with Master Business Coach and Partnership Strategist, Roberto Candelaria, To Help You Get Real Results with partnerships and collabs during this live training.

Each Session is LIVE and All-Registered Attendees Will Also Gain Access to the Recordings AND the Chance for Group Q&A Each Week!


Part 1 - January 25, 2024

Partnerships and Collaborations – The Pathway to Build Your Audience, Generate More Leads, and Increase Your Sales

This is the foundation. Without the proper foundation, there is little to build on.

In this class, we’ll cover

  • What Partnerships & Collaborations Are… and What They Aren’t (people get this confused all the time)
  • Who, What, and Why Partnerships and Collaborations Matter… Stop Doing Business Alone
  • The 5 Main Types of Partnerships & Collaborations
  • Partnership Revenue Streams… Learn this Skill Once and You’ll See Partnerships All Around You!

Part II – February 1, 2024

Partnerships & Collaborations – Relationships Make Money

This is where we start digging into building the right partnerships, the right way, right away. 

In this class, you’ll learn:

  • The Biggest Mistakes Roberto’s Seen in 15+ Years in Partnerships… Don’t Make the Same Costly Mistakes
  • Setting Partnership and Collaboration Goals… Stop Wishing, Start Planning for Even More Success!
  • Where to Find the Right Partners… Stop Looking for Love (err, partners) in all the Wrong Places
  • Relationship Building with Key Partners… It’s Not Enough to Get a Partner, Keep Them!

Part III – February 8, 2024

Hit 'Em With Your Best Shot – How to Get a Partner to Say Yes

You’ll learn what to say, how to say it, and whom to say it to.

In this class, you’ll learn:

  • How to Reach Out to Affiliates, Partners and Collaborators… This Ain’t a One Night Stand.
  • What to Offer Partners and Collaborators… Just like a Holiday or Birthday Wish List, Know What Partners are Looking For!
  • What happens when you meet a “whale”?… Mega & Super Partners are (almost) Always Looking for New Products, Programs and Serivces to Promote.. Make Sure You Stand Out in the Crowd!

Common Mistakes in Negotiating the Deal… Not Knowing These 3 Things Could Keep You from Getting the Best Deal!

Part IV – February 22, 2024

Second Verse Same as the First – Repetition is the Key to Success

It’s time to stay top of mind, Put Things on Paper, and Get Referrals From Your Partners!

In this class, you’re gonna learn:

  • Crafting the Partnership Agreement… Know the Keys Things Your Agreement Needs, Including How and When to Get Paid!
  • How to Stay “Top of Mind” with Your Partners… Contests, Communications and Consistency are Key!
  • Creating Consistent Partnerships… How to Turn a One-Time Promotion into Evergreen Leads

Get Referrals to Other Partners… Asking Your Partners Who They Know That’s Ready for Even More Revenue!

Collabs and Partnerships Are Simpler Than You Think…

Yes… Simple, Not Easy.

Enisha at Roberto Candelaria event

Enisha Ligon-Garrett / CEO, Ellese & Co Creative Services

"The best ideas with a plan to implement are what Roberto brings to the table each and every time I have the pleasure of sharing space with him. As an industry veteran, he knows how to see profits for your business and position you to command" premium prices. He does all of this with a great deal of patience and grace. No more hustling to meet my revenue goals."

Christine Jerry

Christine Jerry / Founder of The Virtual Collab

"Working with Roberto has allowed me to gain clarity and direction for my business so that it aligns with my goals as a wife and mother. He has helped me through the fear of stepping out from behind the scenes to being the face of my company. I have grown from a high 5-figures to a multi 6-figure business. More importantly, I have been able to serve more mom entrepreneurs!"

This training was designed to fast-track your success with partnerships and collabs no matter the size of your email list or social media following.


Meet Ashley...

“Roberto’s mentorship and strategy has been a game-changer for me. I have clarity on what I want for my business, and was able to create offers that feel good to me and my clients. Now, I get to collaborate with other amazing six and seven figure coaches with my “Your Basic Pitch” sales program and my podcast and YouTube show, “High Earning Coaches.” While working with Roberto I’ve more than doubled my six-figure income while also creating more partnerships with other coaches and creating monthly residual partnership and affiliate revenue.”

-Ashley Jangro

Certified Sales and Marketing Coach /

Ready To Get Partnerships and Collabs?
There’s Two Ways to Join Us:


Just The Trainings - Partnership Quickstart


Partnership Quickstart + ONGOING Training and Community through a PCA Membership





What’s Included:

What’s Included:

Plus, As a Member of Profitable community academy (PCA), you’ll also get…


Ready To Get Partnerships and Collabs?
There’s Two Ways to Join Us:


Just The Trainings - Partnership Quickstart



What’s Included:


Partnership Quickstart + PCA Membership


Annual PCA Membership

What’s Included:

Plus, As a Member of PCA, you’ll also get…

Why Learn
from Me?

Howdy, I’m Roberto!
Uncle. Dreamer. Husband. Disney-Kid at Heart!

As a Master Certified Business Coach and Partnership Strategist, I’ve worked with and trained business owners to build wildly successful businesses– focusing on platform, partners, and profit since 2009. My clients have built multiple six and seven figure business… sometimes from napkin ideas. My clients are…

Content Creators
Services Providers
Online Business Owners…

Partnerships and collabs are all around you! (especially if you’re willing to put in a little bit of work) I know, I know… I shouldn’t say things require work and effort… but they DO to build a business.

The process I teach has helped my students partner with other small business owners, get on top rated podcasts, grow their email lists, be featured by National Brands and secure multi five and six figure deals.

Learn to Make Partnerships and Collabs Simple and Profitable for Your Business!

Got Questions?

We have some answers!

It is possible to creating win/win partnerships and collaborations with ZERO social media following and little to no email list. While you do have to work and put in effort for this (and most) to make money, it does work for most businesses that follow the process.

If you are unable to make the live sessions, the session replays will be available within 48 hours of class, usually sooner.

All classes are at 2:00pm Central.
The dates of the live sessions are:
January 25, 2024
February 1, 2024
February 8, 2024
February 22, 2024

Not at all! In fact, many of our previous students are coaches, consultants, bloggers, service providers and online business owners. The strategies we teach are not solely dependent on social media.

OMG.. NO you don’t have to dance!!
I mean… dance your heart out if that’s your thing, but we teach multiple strategies that do not require dancing, short form video or reels.

You can make videos if you want and some people may based on their business and the types of collaborations they create.

Short answer, yes.
Because we teach how to build relationships with others, a big email list isn’t necessary. Many people we work with had little to no email list when they started getting partnerships and grew their list through collaborations.

Profitable Community Academy (PCA) is our membership for coaches, consultants, service providers and online business owners ready to build profitable online communities. Training, including Partnership Quick Start, are part of the live trainings we offer our members and included in membership. Learn more about PCA here.

Yes, it will!
We’ll cover multiple ways to collab and partner with other small business owners, both online and offline.

Probably not.
Partnerships and collabs are best when you have clarity on who you serve, and how you serve them.


There are no refunds for the Partnership Quick Start trainings. All sales are final.

FOR THE PCA MEMBERSHIP w/ Partnership training:

As a PCA Member, users may cancel subscriptions at any time by emailing [email protected]

Your subscription will be terminated immediately upon cancellation, and you will not receive any refund or pro-rated refund. You will not be charged after a cancellation unless you enroll again. You will have access until the end of your current billing period. 

© 2023 Roberto Candelaria All rights reserved.